Meet the Community Plus Team

The Community Coordinators work across Kirklees supporting children and adults of all ages, by jointly exploring their current situation and helping them to pursue a healthy and positive lifestyle for the future.

Many of the local community groups remain closed at this time,  but some are beginning  to reopen and many have been exploring other ways of connecting community’s.  At Community Plus they want to focus on what they can do, there is many different ways that they can connect people,  online and telephone options can be explored, and they can support/signpost individuals into volunteering, training opportunities and work programmes.

They can also support groups to look at the options of reopening safely, so if you feel that you may benefit, get in touch.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail or for one of their co-ordinators to attend a team meeting contact Tracy McMohan on 07814 924 578 or email Alternatively you can complete the online introduction form  Community Plus here.

Why community plus? Watch the video.

Community Plus are continuing to accept introductions. Just a little reminder, that Community Plus work with individuals in our communities, to achieve positive outcomes and help them to remain independent and in control of their lives.


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