Christmas Magic Appeal – 2021
11th October 2021
Can you help us to bring a little “Christmas Magic” to vulnerable households in the Dalton Ward by donating:
- New unwrapped toys and gifts (Baby, children, teenagers, adults)
- Non gender specific wrapping paper
- Sticky tape
- Christmas crackers
- Christmas cards
- Selection boxes and boxes of chocolate
- Festive sweets and biscuits
- Christmas cakes/mince pies/chocolate logs
- Tinned meat/fish
- Crisps and nibbles
- Cheese and crackers (please check dates)
- Tea/coffee/drinking chocolate
- Non-alcoholic drinks/cordials
If so please can you complete our online Christmas Magic – Registration of Interest 2021 form located at the bottom of this webpage.
Any monetary donations can be made online at greenfieldsdalton.org.uk. Please mark donations “Christmas 2021”.
Christmas Magic Referral form 2021
PLEASE NOTE: If you are looking to donate to our Christmas Magic Appeal please complete the Registration of Interest 2021 form located at the bottom of this webpage.
The Christmas Magic Referral form is for families/individuals to refer themselves to receive Xmas Goody Bags. Please ensure this form is fully completed and returned no later than 10th December. There will be no planned delivery service this year so it is important that you make arrangements for the individual families to collect their Goody Bags on the 16th December between 12.30pm-3.30pm themselves from the Food Bank Portcabin – Greenfields Family Centre, Dalton Green Lane, Dalton, Huddersfield, HD5 9TR – or you, as the referrer, can pick it up on their behalf during this time slot. Thank You. Any queries please contact Lesley Stephenson by email at greenfieldsfamilycentre@outlook.com or Cheryl Reid at cheryl.reid@kirklees.gov.uk.
You can download the referral form for the Xmas Goody Bags HERE – ChristmasMagic2021ReferralForm.docx
Please register your donation interest below via the form and ensure we’ve received all donations by the 10th of December.
Can all donations be dropped off at Greenfields Family Centre (for the attention of Lesley Stephenson), Dalton Green Lane, Dalton, Huddersfield, HD5 9TR. Thank you for helping us deliver Christmas Magic to the Dalton Ward!