Latest News and Info

Dalton Ward Councillors – Responding to Community Needs

Your Dalton Ward Councillors would like to share with you how they have been using their ward budgets to meet the needs of the community by funding and supporting various activities and initiatives in the Dalton Ward.

Councillor Peter McBride

Councillor Naheed Mather
Councillor Musarrat Khan

If you would like to contact any of us please Email:

TRA Blackpool Coach Trip

The Town Estate and Springbank Residents Association applied for funding through Dalton Together’s Helping Hands fund so that they could organise a Day trip to Blackpool on the 10th August 2021.

How many residents benefitted?

By securing Helping Hands funding, the Town Estate and Springbank Residents Association managed to strengthen the community across the Dalton ward by connecting Tenants and Residents of the Town and Springbank Estates together with a fun filled, action packed day which benefitted…

  • 20 Adults
  • 36 Children

What impact did this activity have on the Dalton Ward community?

“This trip was a great relief for everyone after what has been a very difficult year for us all. It was wonderful to see children and adults meeting others who live on the estate and enjoying themselves together for what was for some, their first ever trip to the sea-side.

It brought our community together, and created new friendships and a real sense of togetherness that has remained strong on the estate since our first day trip to Blackpool.”

Feedback and quotes from residents

Photo Gallery of the TRA Blackpool event

How can I apply for Helping Hand Funding?

To find out more about applying for Dalton Together’s Helping Hands Funding and criteria please visit –

‘Thank You’ Fund for Volunteer-Run Groups in Kirklees

Kirklees Volunteers’ Week 2021

National Volunteers’ Week from 1st to 7th June is an annual event to recognise the contribution that millions of people make across the UK through volunteering.  It’s an opportunity for Third Sector Leaders (TSL) to recognise and say ‘thank you’ to volunteers in Kirklees.

This year the TSL Kirklees Volunteering team want to help groups in Kirklees say thank you to all their volunteers, particularly those who’ve done such incredible work over the last year, supporting people through the pandemic, either in person or from home.

Apply to the ‘Thank You’ Fund

If you are a volunteer-run project or group in Kirklees, then you can apply for a small fund to help you say ‘thank you’ to your volunteers. You will also receive a pack of free Volunteers’ Week thank you cards.  A maximum grant of £100 is available for each organisation, but they will be able to fund more groups if people only apply for what they need.

It’s up to you how you spend the money, as long as it’s on an event or item to say thank you to your volunteers.  For example, wellbeing goody bags, book vouchers, an afternoon tea delivery or tickets for an online event (please make sure any of your events are Covid-safe).

In return, they ask that you send them a photo and a quote from your volunteer group or an individual volunteer for TSL to share as part of their online Volunteers’ Week celebrations.

How to apply

The deadline for applications is Monday 24th May 2021

Please complete and return the Thank You Fund application form.

TSL aims to let you know within three working days if your application is successful. They will then ask you to invoice for the amount and payment will be made by bank transfer (template for an invoice can be provided if necessary).

If you have any questions, please contact:
Becky Bracey, Volunteer Development Manager

Tel: 07776 588691 or Email

Community Ideas Funding Available

Dalton Together’s Community Partner Pact

Dalton Together can provide funding and support to local groups and individuals who have good ideas that:

  • Make great things happen in our community
  • Encourage people to get involved and help out
  • Bring people together

Tell us your idea…what could you do? Could you:

  • Run an online community craft club?
  • Host an virtual cooking course?
  • Teach older, isolated people how to use technology to help them stay connected?

How can I apply?

To find out how we can financially support your idea visit –

Need some inspiration?

Craig Taylor-Green from @fromHUDwithMUD on Facebook applied to Dalton Together to fund his idea ‘The Radish Race 2021’. Here is what he had to say about his experience of applying for funding and why he wanted set up this community project.

“In response to the most recent lockdown announcement, I wanted to do something to help the community to remain positive, hopeful and connected. 

As I’m currently on a food growing journey with my community purposed back garden project, it seemed natural to centre the idea around the incredible joy that comes from growing something.

With Dalton Together’s encouragement and financial support, the idea turned into reality and Radish Race 2021 was born which basically involves growing radish using a provided grow kit and completing a radish themed activity pack.

Dalton Together is there to support all members of the ward and the processes in place seem to be person focused, minimizing barriers and providing people with a sense of hope that they are not alone.

Radish Race 2021 is almost two weeks in and the engagement so far has been amazing. Hopefully these photos tell a story.”

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