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Engaging local businesses in Dalton

Dalton Ward Councillors alongside Dalton Together (a community partnership organisation based in the Dalton Ward) invited local businesses (sole traders, small, medium to large) to join us between 11am and 2pm on Tuesday 21st November 2023 to find out how the Council and its partners can best support and profile our business community.

What was the purpose of the event?

The event provided an opportunity for us to explore how we may work more closely together and meet the needs of our local businesses as well as aiming to better connect our local businesses to the wider community.

Was the event successful?

Thank you to all of the businesses that turned up to our event making the day a huge success!

Overall we had 29 businesses whom attended the event ranging from large companies E.g. Cummins, Syngenta, Mama’s and Papa’s to sole traders and those in between from various sectors. CIC organisations also attended who had a trading arm to their non profit making organisations.

Feedback and what we learned from the event

We learned that…

  • Future events need to be shorter
  • Time to network is important (E.g. possibly a speed networking format so everyone knows who’s in attendance)
  • Have focussed topics E.g. marketing, sales and LinkedIn/social media training, tips on how businesses can pitch to each other
  • Include rising cost of living issues E.g. energy efficiency measures that can benefit companies, grants and loans businesses can access, support agencies they can share with staff
  • Share models of good practice on how local businesses better engage with their communities (corporate social responsibilities)
  • Explore how businesses can form their own local business association/forum so they become self managed and better connect to their local communities

If you would like to find out more about the event you can access the letter we sent out to all the businesses in Dalton below.

We are hoping to run another business engagement event in February 2024 – if you are interested please contact


Recycling Hero Awards Nominations are Back!

Kirklees are holding the Recycling Hero Awards again this year. The Recycling Hero Awards are a chance to for you to recognise friends, family members, colleagues, young people, schools, or businesses who are setting the benchmark when it comes to reducing, reusing, and recycling in our communities.

Award Categories

  • Recycling Hero
  • Young Recycling Hero
  • School Recycling Hero
  • Business Recycling Hero
  • New for this year Recycling Champion Hero

How To Nominate Someone?

Anyone wishing to submit a nomination needs to fill out a short online form, including a statement of no more than 200 words to explain why your nominee should win one of the five awards. Nominations close on 20 October, no nominations will be accepted after this date.

When Will The Awards Take Place?

All shortlisted nominees will be invited to Dewsbury Town Hall on 22 November, where the winners will be announced, and awards for winners and runners-up will be presented by the Mayor of Kirklees.

More Information

You can read more about the Recycling Hero Awards here!

Warm Spaces in the Dalton Ward 2023

Please find below a useful resource outlining FREE warm spaces across the Dalton Ward. Please contact any provision prior to travelling.


Warm Spaces Resource Download


Dalton Ward Councillors – Responding to Community Needs

Your Dalton Ward Councillors would like to share with you how they have been using their ward budgets to meet the needs of the community by funding and supporting various activities and initiatives in the Dalton Ward.

Councillor Peter McBride

Councillor Naheed Mather
Councillor Musarrat Khan

If you would like to contact any of us please Email:

Covid-19 updates

Vaccine Rollout

The Covid-19 vaccination rollout is well underway in Kirklees and there has been a very positive response to date. We’ve put together some of the latest updates for workers, families and individuals.

Vaccinations for critical volunteers 

Vaccine appointments will be available for those who are providing face to face, in person, health and care support to vulnerable people in our local places. This could include volunteers from Mutual Aid Groups and community organisations in Kirklees. If you have volunteers or staff who are providing critical support, you can share information now with the Clinical Commissioning Group to help them with planning vaccination appointments. Find out more on the Third Sector Leaders Kirklees website: 

FIND OUT MORE Coronavirus vaccinations for critical health and care staff and volunteers 

Covid-19 Resources 

There is a range of new Coronavirus resources on the Kirklees Council website, which you can download for sharing to help keep people informed. These are materials that you can share via email, text or on your social media channels, or print out and display. There are three different sets of resources: 

  • Covid-19 Vaccination programme 
  • Kirklees Cares 
  • Play your part 

FIND OUT MORE COVID-19 Resources   

Critical Worker Covid Tests

Are you a cleaner and working as a critical worker during lockdown? You can get tested weekly. If you live or work in Kirklees and don’t have symptoms just visit one of four Community Testing Centres we’ve set-up across Kirklees.

FIND OUT MORE Mass Community Testing

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Dalton Together