Yorkshire Sport Foundation: Community Games Fund
6th July 2021
What is the Community Games Fund?
To celebrate the Summer of Sport, the Community Games Fund aims to provide opportunities for communities to come together and be active.
As restrictions are lifting and to encourage people to get back out into their communities, Yorkshire Sport Foundation are offering Community Games funding across our districts. The fund will be up to £300 to each funded organisation to support the delivery of a community event. This is something to support communities to get out and be together, this isn’t connected to a national programme.
Any community organisations in Kirklees interested that meet the criteria and can offer an outdoor event (that must include sport/physical activity) for at least 3 hours can apply via the application form provided below.
What you need to know!
- All successful applicants will get up to £300 towards their event.
- The event must contain sport and/or physical activity.
- The event must be delivered by Thursday 30 September and last for at least 3 hours.
- Payment will be made 2 weeks before the event.
- Events must be outside and delivered in a COVID safe way.
- There are two deadlines for applications Monday 12 July and Monday 26 July.
- Each successful organisation will get a pack to help them with planning including risk assessment templates, key contacts in their local authority and general event info.
- If the next government deadline of 19th July is moved the Community Games will be cancelled this year.